Mr. Roa turns 2 today!
I don’t tend to do this kind of short announcement posts but I thought this was worth sharing. I've been trying to blog seriously for »
I don’t tend to do this kind of short announcement posts but I thought this was worth sharing. I've been trying to blog seriously for »
The std::string structure exists as an alternative tothe NULL terminated char array commonly used in C. Such structure provides methods to do simple string management »
Sometimes we may find ourselves handling data files that contain information whose data integrity needs to be checked or compared against rules related to byte size, »
I found myself browsing through Project Euler Today during my free time. After reading a couple of problems I payed special attention to Problem #12. The »
Last week I found myself needing to retrieve some information from a Photoshop Document (PSD) file. Since this goes beyond the standard support of the IO »
The release of Visual Studio 2012 brought us a very nice feature. They added OAuth/OpenID support to the default Web Application templates. Now by just »
Say you are like me, you have a strong background as a high level language programmer. You enjoy the amenities provided by the strong and mature »
At some point in our career as Web developers we’ve been asked to add a visual representation of data, commonly known as charts. Charting is »
Paging tabular data retrieved through a database query has been a long time need in transactional line of business applications. With time the ways of achieving »
Authentication is a must have feature for every system. Every system administrator needs to give an identity to the ones using their system. Which leads us, »